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Current Website Maintenance Clients

Hi, current website client.

Website security and updates are more important than ever, in order to remain searchable on Google, maintain a functioning website, and prevent hacking and other types of attacks.

I’m providing you, a current marketing and communications and website-specific client, with the following very-reasonable rates and plans for assuring smooth-running and insurance for your website success and my monthly efforts.

This approach is so much smarter, and there’s not really an option anymore: We need to have a website maintenance plan.

I can also take care of the “other things” for you, like fixing any major issues that surface, calling your website host if needed, updating essential details about your business and your SEO along the way, and keeping your on-line presence fresh–so Google knows you’re still here and gets people to you. My other goals with this service include keeping you up to date with new on-line policies; for example, earlier in 2018, a clearly stated Privacy Policy was required for anyone collecting client data, and in August 2018, Facebook is changing its layout. I keep up with these things and want you to feel like you have team and do these adjustments as needed, as well.

Choose the plan that best meets your needs.

Annual Plan: Best Option

Six-Month Plan

Monthly Plan